Chimney Sweep in Tarleton, Lancashire
Tarleton, Near Preston
Mon - Sat 8am - 8pm and Emergencies


Chimney Sweep Safety Procedures

The Chimney Sweep’s Role

The primary job of the chimney sweep is to aid in the prevention of chimney fires and reduce the risk of dangerous fume emissions from blocked heating appliances, flueways and chimneys

Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps

All GMCS members are fully insured and work to a Code of Practice. A certificate of Chimney Sweeping is issued on completion of work. Modern chimney sweeping is an efficient and clean process.

Using a GMCS Chimney Sweep will;

  • Eliminate the build up of soot from coal, wood, oil and gas fired systems
  • Clear obstructions such as birds and animal nests, leaves and building debris, even cobwebs.
  • Provide valuable advice on operating your appliance safely and efficiently and on any remedial work that may be necessary


Always remember to consult your GMCS Sweep for Chimney Pots – Cowls – Bird-guards and Terminals

GMCS strongly recommends that chimneys using the following fuels are cleaned:

  • Smokeless fuels – At least once a year
  • Bitumous coal – At least twice a year
  • Wood – Quarterly when in use
  • Oil – Once a year
  • Gas – Once a year


Important – Never interrupt the air supply by blocking air vents or air bricks.